Double Rack Oven, Electric
Construction features
Heavy-duty stainless steel interior
Oversized low watt-density heater elements
Cooking compartment insulated with 5” thick high-temp
Fully integrated hood with single point exhaust
Automatic, heavy-duty “B” style lift and rotate system
Heavy-duty gear driven rotation system
Cooking chamber illuminated by externally mounted
florescent lamp
Heavy-duty door with 9.75” x 57.5” viewing window
Interior door safety release mechanism
Accommodates two single racks (side load) or one
double rack (end load)
Performance Features
200°-550°F / 93°-288°C temperature range
Low watt-density elements operate at lower
temperatures for extended life
Model shown: BARO-2E (Rack not included)
High volume gravity feed, waterfall type steam system
Adjustable air circulation louvers
Self adjusting slip clutch protects operator and prevents
component damage
Rack Capacity
Automatic rack stop and lower when door is opened
Floor level loading without ramps
2 single side-load racks, or 1 double end-load rack
Integrated Hood Features and Performance
Short Bid Specification
Rack Oven Model BARO-2E shall be a 52kW electrically
heated rotating, double rack capacity unit with: oversized
low density heating elements; gravity feed waterfall type
steam generation system; 5” thick compartment insulation
rated at 0” combustible wall clearance; heavy-duty rack lift
and rotate system with gear driven rotation system; simple
solid state controls, with digital time-temperature readouts,
5 event menu programs for time, temperature, steam,
vent and blower function, 60-item program memory;
an integrated hood meeting NFPA 96 and Type I & II
construction standards, plus all the features listed
Meets the requirements of NFPA 96 & UMC requirements
for Type I & II Hoods
20 Ga stainless steel body
Fully welded construction
Single 8” round collar, Velocity: 2,300 FPM @ 800 CFM
5.9 sq ft of capture area, filter velocity of 120 FPM,
0.03” wc@800 CFM
Controls Package
Digital controls with large LED readouts for Time and
Standard Product Warranty
One-Year Parts and Labor, USA and Canada.
(USA includes 50 states + DC unless specified)
Large LCD event screen for programming and oven
60 Item programmable memory, with 5-events per item
Simple manual program for time, temp., steam and vent
Infrared port for uploading and downloading programs
Flash type programming for revision updates without
replacing PCB
Pass-through option
Prison package
BELSHAW BROTHERS, INC. • Belshaw-Adamatic Bakery Group • 814 44th St NW, Suite 103, Auburn WA 98001
©11/2007 Product specifications may be changed without notice. Always obtain current spec sheet at time of purchase.
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